Our research and development activities have been presented at leading conferences in the field of radar technology and signal processing.

Hack-A-Signal 2024

We are not only supplying modern solutions in radar and electronic warfare systems but also care about the education of the young engineer’s generation.

XY Sensing was a co-sponsor of the Hack-A-Signal event organized by the Poland Chapter of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. The hackathon gathered 47 innovative students’ minds from technical universities across Poland. 13 teams competed in the hackathon, each trying to build a unique solution for sensor data acquisition and signal processing.

Our team was also among the Jury, inspecting, discussing, and finally judging each project. After a long assessment, the “head movement analysis for people with disability aid” by a team from the Poznan University of Technology project was picked as the winner.

We extend our thanks to all the participants for their incredible efforts and creativity, and special thanks to the organizers for organizing such a great event! We wish them continued success and growth in their signal-processing endeavours.

XY-Sensing has joined the joint sponsors of the hackathon “Hack-a-Signal”. We are counting down to the event that will take place on November 16-17, 2024 at the University of Economics and Computer Science in Krakow. More information on the website:

03-06.09.2024 – for the fourth time in a row, XY-Sensing presented its products at the International Defence Industry Exhibition (MSPO) in Kielce. Important representatives of the military, politics and the defence industry familiarised themselves with the company’s offer.

XY-Sensing is thrilled to participate on 1-4th July 2024 in the MRW-2024 ( conference in Wrocław, Poland. We thank all visitors to our exhibition booth for the fruitful discussions and look forward to the next edition of very successful MRW events!

26.03.2024 – at the headquarters of Wojskowe Zakłady Młodych No. 1 S.A. a meeting with representatives of the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems, XYsensing Company and C4 PGZ S.A. Office was foiled.

In the context of the fast-changing electromagnetic warfare environment and given the rapid current military capabilities shortcomings of the EU Member  tates in the area of Airborne Electronic Attack (AEA),  REACT II will bring all the progress made and the lessons learned from REACT I (funded under EDIDP-2019). The REACT II system solution will be capable of  performing Escort jamming, Stand-Off Jamming, Stand-In Jamming, Electronic Warfare Command and Control and Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities, ultimately  improving reliability and security for operations.

XY-Sensing is thrilled to participate in the “Technology Innovation for Radar European SYstem ApplicationS” (TIRESYAS) project funded by the European Defence Fund.

TIRESYAS will counteract challenging emerging threats and hypersonic missiles with increasing sensor resilience and sustainability.

The project TIRESYAS aims at countering emerging threats with increasing sensor resilience. Boosting the cooperation launched under the ARTURO project (Advanced Radar Technologies in eUROpe), TIRESYAS will pursue new research activities including new approaches to radar surveillance and target tracking through innovative algorithms able to combine different radar architectures and will further advance towards a fully digital and disruptive multi-function/multi-domain/multi-platform radar system.

XY-Sensing presents the latest technologies at SINANO Institute's meeting!

December 2nd, 2022 a meeting was held at the SINANO (European Academic and Scientific Association for Nanoelectronics) Institute, where leading European companies presented their latest solutions in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics.

Publication about XY-DemoRad in the catalogue Research-Innovation-Technologies 2022

The “Research Innovations Technologies 2022” catalogue
is presenting the technological offerings of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).

XY-Sensing published new research results

M. Wielgo, D. Gromek, P. Samczyński, K. Stasiak, M. Gaweł, “Low-Cost High-Resolution SAR Imaging on Drone with Mechanical Antenna Stabilization,” 2022 23th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Gdańsk, Poland, 2022, pp. 83-86.

XY-Sensing is thrilled to participate in the “Advanced Radar Technology in eUROpe” (ARTURO) project funded by the European Defence Fund.

ARTURO will provide a solution to fulfil future operational needs based on extended use of emerging technologies for advanced radar technologies in Europe.

The project “Advanced Radar Technology in eUROpe” (ARTURO) will consolidate state of the art technologies, emerging concepts and trends in the field of radar, in depth analysis of the operational requirements and current evolutions of threats and environments in various military usage scenarios. The project will provide a solution to fulfil future operational needs based on extended use of emerging technologies for advanced radar technologies in Europe.

XY-Sensing at XXX International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO


We invite you to visit our stand!

XY-Sensing on Microwave and Radar Week 2022

The 10th Microwave and Radar Week comprises two parallel conferences:
24th International Microwave and Radar Conference (MIKON – 2022) and International Radar Symposium (IRS –  2022).

We invite you to visit our stand!

Publication about XY-Sensing in the catalogue Research-Innovation-Technologies 2022

The “Research Innovations Technologies 2022” catalogue
is presenting the technological offerings of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).

The Poland Daily 24 website writes about our product XY-DemoSAR

The Poland Daily 24 website presents the advantages of XY-DemoSAR compared to the competition: the device weighs only 0.5 kg, has low power consumption and can work regardless of the weather conditions, time of day or night.

The industry portal Evertiq writes about our product XY-DemoSAR

The industry portal Evertiq (Electronics Vertical Intelligence), focusing on events in the electronics industry, assigns XY-DemoSAR to observe the environment, detect unauthorized machines and objects and illegal activities, as well as natural hazards.

The Science in Poland information service writes about our product XY-DemoSAR

The Science in Poland information service in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science has published an article on XY-DemoSAR. The radar has been found to be perfectly suitable for observing the surroundings, detecting unauthorized machines and objects and illegal activities as well as natural hazards.

The Onet website writes about our product XY-DemoSAR

The Onet website proposes to replace the commonly used optical systems with the ultra-modern XY-DemoSAR radar. The radar parameters are perfect for applications on small drones. The radar has great potential for monitoring the area in terms of security, e.g. by border services, the police, and the fire brigade.

The First News magazine writes about XY-DemoSAR

The XY-DemoSAR miniature radar is used to observe the surroundings and is perfect for monitoring the area in terms of security, detecting and tracking unauthorized drones and cars, in cartography, the condition of land roads, power lines.

XY-Sensing at XXIX International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO

MSPO is a meeting place for the giants of the global defense industry. 400 companies from 27 countries took part in the showroom. The exhibition was held under the Honorary Patronage of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda.

Application by the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of Warsaw University of Technology for the XY-SAR Sensor product for the Defender Award at the International Defense Industry Exhibition (MSPO), Kielce, September 2021


The competition for startups “Startuj z Mazowsza” is an activity of the Voivodship Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and carried out by Youth Business Poland.

Main Award of the Warsaw University of Technology for XY-Sensing sp.z o.o. as part of the STARTUJ Z MAZOWSZA competition. 11 of the best startups out of 55 participating in the competition, including XY-Sensing, qualified for the finals of the competition.

Publication about XY-Sensing in the catalogue Research-Innovation-Technologies 2022

The “Research Innovations Technologies 2022” catalogue
is presenting the technological offerings of the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT).

XY-Sensing at 2021 CIE International Conference on Radar

Conference took place in Haikou Hainan, China on 15 – 19 December 2021.

Maciej Wielgo, Damian Gromek, Piotr Samczyński, Krzysztof Stasiak, Karol Abratkiewicz, Marek Gaweł, „Low- Cost High-Resolution SAR Imaging on Drone“, the paper submitted for the publication in Proc. of the 2021 CIE International Conference on Radar, Haikou Hainan, China, 2021

XY-Sensing at Signal Processing Symposium 2021 (SPSympo 2021)

SPSympo 2021  took place in Łódź, Poland on 21 – 23 September 2021. Two of our papers were presented there:

K. Abratkiewicz, P. Samczyński, „Multitaper Time-Frequency Reassigned Spectrogram in Micro-Doppler Radar Signal Analysis“ in 2021 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), Łódź, Poland, 2021

K. Abratkiewicz, J. Gambrych, K. Stasiak, P. Samczynski, „Estimation of Rotational Speed of Helicopter Rotor
Through Horizontal Synchrosqueezing“ in 2021 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), Łódź, Poland, 2021

XY-Sensing at International Workshop on Signal and Information Inteligent Learningand Processing (SIILP 2021)

P. Samczyński, „Radar Signal Processing Methods for Target Feature Extractions: from uDoppler through SAR/ISAR imaging“, International Workshop on Signal and Information Inteligent Learning
and Processing,  2021, National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing, Xidian University, China, July 10-11, 2021 (invited talk).

IRS Logo
XY-Sensing at International Radar Symposium 2021 (IRS 2021)

IRS 2021 took place in Berlin, Germany on 21 – 22 June 2021. Two of our papers were presented there:

M. Ciesielski, K. Stasiak, M. Khyzhniak, K. Jędrzejewski, M. Żywek and S. Brawata, “Simultaneous Signal
Processing with Multiple Coherent Processing Intervals in FMCW Radar for Drone Detection,” 2021 21st International Radar Symposium (IRS), Bonn, Germany, 2021, pp. 1-8

M. Wielgo, K. Stasiak, D. Gromek, K. Radecki and P. Samczyński, “XY-DemoRad – a low-cost K-band SAR system for UAV application,” 2021 21st International Radar Symposium (IRS), Bonn, Germany, 2021, pp. 1-10

XY-Sensing at 2021 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf`21)

IEEE Radar Conference took place in Atlanta, USA on 10 – 14 May 2021. We presented the following paper there:

K. Abratkiewicz, P. Samczyński and K. Kulpa, “Micro-Doppler Signal Decomposition Using Second-Order Vertical Synchrosqueezing,” 2021 IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf21), 2021

XY-Sensing is an associate member of the Sinano Institute

As of December 2020, XY-Sensing has been an associate member of the Sinano Institute based in Grenoble Cedex, France as a PW spin-off company. The SiNANO Institute is a non-profit association created as a sustainable network of EU scientists with the aim of creating a distributed Center of Excellence in the field of nanoelectronics. Over 1,200 scientific and technical employees work together at the SINANO Institute. SiNANO is the most important flexible research infrastructure in Europe for long-term nanoelectronics research.

More information about XY-Sensing Membership can be found at:

XY-Sensing at 13th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2020)

European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR 2020) took place in Leipzig, Germany on 29 March – 1 April 2020. We presented the following paper there:

D. Gromek, K. Stasiak, P. Samczyński, K. Radecki, „Experimental results of a K-band SAR system for automotive applications“, 2021 13th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar (EUSAR), Leipzig, Germany, 2021

IRS Logo
XY-Sensing at International Radar Symposium 2019 (IRS 2019)

IRS 2019 took place in Ulm, Germany on 26-28 June 2019. Two of our papers were presented there:

K. Stasiak, M. Ciesielski, P. J. Samczyński, D. Gromek, and K. Kulpa, “Preliminary Results of Drone’s Propellers Detection Using K-band and mm-Wave FMCW Radar,” 2019 20th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Ulm, Germany, 2019, pp. 1–7.

P. Samczynski, K. Stasiak, D. Gromek, K. Kulpa and J. Misiurewicz, “XY-DemoRad – Novel K- and mm-Band Radar Demo Kit for Educational and Commercial Applications,” 2019 20th International Radar Symposium (IRS), Ulm, Germany, 2019, pp. 1-11

XY-Sensing at Signal Processing Symposium 2019 (SPSympo 2019)

SPSympo 2019  took place in Kraków, Poland on 17-19 September 2019. We presented the following paper there:

K. Abratkiewicz, D. Gromek, K. Stasiak, and P. J. Samczyński, “Time-Frequency Reassigned Micro-Doppler Signature Analysis Using the XY-DemoRad System,” in 2019 Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), Kraków, Poland, 2019, pp. 331–334

XY-Sensing among the sponsors of the SPSympo-2019